P291 EAGLE FFP2 Valved Dolomite Fold Respirator 10 Pack
Regular price £24.95
Innovative compact folding mask with 7 dynamic parts providing excellent facial movement with maximum comfort. Valved and with inner foam for increased comfort for the wearer. DOLOMITE optional clogging test. An individual polybag and special flat shape make it easy to store and vending machine ready.
● Dolomite optional clogging test (D) to provide more comfortable breathing and longer lasting filtration performance
● Flexible shape which allows the mask to be folded flat
● Large inner space to help the user to breathe more easily
● 7 ergonomic points which adapt to different face shapes
● High performance exhalation valve to reduce heat and provide comfort when used in hot and humid conditions
● Individually wrapped inside hygienic polybag
● Individually packed for vending machines
● Retail box which aids presentation for retail sales
EN 149: 2001 + A1:2009
Respiratory Protective Devices – Filtering half masks to protect against particles
European Standard for filtering half-masks. It contains laboratory tests to check the conformity with resistance to impacts, to cleansers and disinfectants, to temperature to flame and with respiratory resistance. With A!:2009 amendment, filtering dust masks are now classified as either single use/single shift (NR) or reusable/more than 1 shift (R).
DOLOMITE TEST (D): Optional test underEN149 for clogging with dolomite dust. Respirators which pass the dolomite clogging test are proven to provide a more comfortable breathing level and longer lasting performances of filtration. These respirators are marked with "D" Letter.